When SiMaNiS writes...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Time to tittle-tattle...

Fooh! Sudah agak lama jugak aku tak hapdate blog nih. Erm...actually since my last post, I was quite occupied with my work and all....as usual the normal routine as a 'kuli'. he he he...And Alhamdulillah....my worries about the stalker had been taken care off finally. Hope it won't happen to me again. Amin.

Esok nak kena fly to KB coz ada site meeting. Kul 4.30am nak kena bangun coz nak tompang my QS to KLIA tapi mata ni takleh nak tido le....baik gak ada blog nih...so, boleh la aku burn my midnight oil. Tapi aku konpem punyelah.....esok mata ni sure puffy and will look bloody tired. Gasaklah!

Apa nak hapdate eh? Ha! Firstly. aku tak jadi tukar HP no, so, the old one is still available. Secondly aku baru teringat aku lom bayar bil IWK for about 18 months coz tenant aku buat dek aje kat bil tu eversince it reaches him for the last 18 months. So, It explains why a lawyer's letter suddenly arrived at my doorstep. Itu le bahayanye kalau tenant org bujang! Semua mende ambil mudah! Kang aku suruh bayar....tak nak pulak! Anyway, luckily it is not a big deal of amount. Just RM8 a month and you multiply it by 18 months and I would be very grateful if any of you would volunteer to help me paying. ha ha ha! Ops! kalau ada org keje ngan IWK....syhh! dediam sudah!

Thirdly, after considering the effort and determination she showed during the final concert, I have no objection to admit Stacy as the new AF winner! You go Girl! Bravo! Ops! terlebih sudah!
Actually, I couldn't agree more that she's one of a talent and complete package as a winner. But never underestimate Riz since he had delivered well also. Ape ke he nye Yop?

Sebenarnye banyak mende berlaku kat aku for the past 8 days....yg happy ada, yg duka pun ada. But that's life as an adult. Problems make you more mature and patience. Minggu lepas adalah minggu airmata. he he he....Biasalah.....ada bau bau stokin dgn Neng Nya Timah gitulah. Cepat benor tergebeh bak kata org Melaka. Ahaks! So, this week aku berazam untuk pastikan ianya lebih baik dari minggu lepas. Insya-Allah....


kopiko said...

Ateh.. nko dari dulu memang Neng Yatimah.. ingat tak nko nak terjun tingkap masa kita amek SPM dulu? Sebabnye tak yah cerita la kat sini kan.. hehehehe
Anyway, nko neng-neng pun tabah orangnye..
By the way, aku rasa nko tak tau aku ni sapa kan.. ahahha aku alang la.. tapi aku bukanla org yang sama dengan tuan punya blog kopiko yang kat link nko tu.. blog aku masih private lagi.. tempat aku mencarut.. tak leh open ke public.. ahahah

asuhara sue said...

ko mmg neng yatimah jr beb!
tapi aku suka kau! mueheheheheheh..

beb, gambate! jinsei wa subarashee ( life is beautiful)

p/s: hero aku dah tambah macho tak?

Simanis said...

Kopiko alang!!!
cess! ko rupenye alang. Dan aku dgn konpidennye telah meng 'link' ntah sape2 punye blog le ngan aku nih! Patut le tebal beno sense of 'humanitarian' dalam blog tuh! Ampeh! Betullah tu....blog utk mencarut mmg ter 'ahmat' lah konpidensel kan! Hahaha.....ko ingat lg kisah aku nak terjun tingkap dulu ek? Kalu aku tak tabah tu...mmg dah selamat ke bawah le haku! hehehehe

yess!! caiyok! caiyok! Hero ko tuh jadik romeo kat sekolah dia beb!Dak pompuan suka kenen2 ngan dia. ehhehe....ada potensi nak jadi kasanova tuh! Nak kena pantau dari skrg nampaknye....

PerantauSepi1306 said...

sangat suka baca ceritamu wahai neng yatimah??? hmmmm wh alina, rerajin la hapdets ek.. ekekekekeke suke tau aku paksa2 orang hapdet blog kan... ;p

btw bil IWK kan boley pakai M2U kalo ko guna maybak la ..