When SiMaNiS writes...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Gila UNO!

Anakssss aku la ni tgh gile main game card UNO! Itu le dia.....It had been my routine for the past 1 week, playing UNO with my kids. It all started when my hubby bought this game card 8 months back. His pure intention was to stimulate my kids' brain thru memorising. We bought the cards that suited their age and level with the 'winnie the pooh' pics printed on them. At first, the kids were blindly playing the cards (meaning dorang main hentam kromo je lah!) sampai naik komot card tu dibuatnya sebab asyik berebut jek. Last2, my hubby hid the cards somewhere high up on our wardrobe until we were totally forgot about the cards. Just recently, when we moved back to my hometown that I found the cards back.

Well, to occupy the kids time while their papa was away during the weekdays, aku ajor bebudak tu main UNO. Start dgn 'Snap!', 'Matching the numbers' and 'Flipping cards with the same numbers'. Ala...korang sure tau camne nak main kan? And surprisingly, they are good at playing it now! Itu yg jadi ketagih tu. Yang jadi mangsanye...aku le! Adoiii....mana taknye. aku sampai umah after work at around 6pm. Masuk jek umah, itu 3 org sudah kerumun kat pintu lagi. Kakak dah sibuk angkat school bag with her daily tagline ' mama cek homework sarah!'.And I responded, 'ok. Mama sembahyang dulu ok.'

Si Abang will echo whatever statement the sister made. "Mama cek homework syahmi' (eventhough more than often dia takde homework). And I responded my daily tagline to them also. "ok. mama sembahyang dulu ok.' Padahal, dlm pale ni nak kena buat macam2....nak mandi, sembahyang, feed the baby, kemas baju2 yg bibik dah lipat dalam wardrobe, makan and then baru nak cek homework dorang. But right after aku bagi salam...itu 3 org dtg lagi with the same tagline. Cop!cop!cop! mama nak doa dulu le.....

Dah selesai cek homework and ajor sesikit si kakak membaca, we all main UNO. That was the time they've been waiting for actually. Seronok tau main UNO dgn budak cinonet nih. Especially part main snap sbb sometimes dorang lambat snap. (aku tukang turunkan cards tu) So, terpaksa le aku tggu sampai ada yg perasan nak snap. Aku suka tgk cara cinonet aku yg 3rd tu main. eventhough dia baru 2+ yrs tapi cekap! kalau main snap, tangan dia mesti dah siap angkat nak snap and dia akan positioned herself right in front of my nose! U know what I mean or not? Tu sbb takut tak sempat snap le tuh! Kadang tu terlalu cekap sampai ter'snap' btg idung aku. Itu sebab le aku kata dia cekap! wakakakaka.......

We played for almost 1 hour and when the time set 9pm...I buldozed them to my mother's room for bedtime. I have to polarised myself coz kalau tak, dorang takkan tido on time (nak memain lagi) and esok seksa giler nak suh bangun for schools.

Well, since dorang dah tau and enjoy playing UNO, aku nak ajor main chess pulak. Chess set tu dah beli 6 months ago, tapi dok simpan je sbb dorang suka sepah-sepahkan. I think, now is about time for me to introduce chess seriously. But this isn't the kind of chess with the boring black and white color....it's the kind yg ada all Disney's cartoon characters. Very interesting and attractive. My hubby bought it from the 7 eleven shop near our house in Sentul. To those yg tgh pikir game yg interesting yet educational....can try these two games.

Fooh! What a long post. Tido dulu le...gotta get up early tomorrow coz will be flying to Kota Bharu for a site meeting. huarghhh! letihnye badan....
Papa! please dun make me pregnant again ok. I'm very2 tide up now!Four is enuff!!!

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